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Assessment Tool

This survey is designed to track the success of the SixSmart Project, as defined in the MBA Program.

Please complete this form no later than Saturday, February 1st. Once complete, click on the submit button. The survey will be sent to the webmaster for compilation and results will be posted on the website at the end of the course.

Please check the circle that best fits using the following key:

 1 -- Strongly Disagree   2 -- Disagree   3 -- Neither Disagree / Agree   4 -- Agree   5 -- Strongly Agree

Team Assessment  1   2   3   4   5
1. The team achieved the desired results and met their stated
2. The team members submitted their assignments on time.
3. The team submitted assignments that were complete and well

4. Team members were cooperative and worked well together. 


5. Team members were professional with each other.

6. Team members communicated easily through email, phone and

7. Team members utilized the conflict management methods as
    described in the Work Plan.

8. The individual submissions were academic and thoughtful and
    showed a high level of research and appropriate use of
9. The individual submissions were in proper APA format.
10. Team members provided constructive feedback to each other
     and listened to other's opinions.
11. Team members alerted others of scheduling problems in a timely


Personal Assessment  1   2   3   4   5
12. I was able to adequately assess and analyze global
     international markets.
13. I was able to learn how companies determine the most viable
     market for their products.
14. I was able to embrace disparate social and professional
     standards for doing business globally.

15. I was able to work cooperatively in a multi-location and multi-
     culture team environment.


16. I was able to communicate effectively through electronic


Thank you for participating in this survey. Your answers are important, and we would appreciate any other comments you may have. If some area was not covered, or you would like to add something else about this assignment, please include your additional comments in the following filed and they will be included in the survey results.


Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2002-2003 SixSmart
Last modified: January 22, 2003